Significantly better living for our residents — all metrics show improved satisfaction

Heini Savinen
Heini Savinen

Joo Group customer satisfaction

NPS scores while living in Joo Kodit homes surge by up to 7 points in 2023

Our continuous aim is to enhance our residents’ daily lives even further. To this end, our goal was to increase the Net Promoter Score (NPS) that measures how happy residents are with their experience of living with us. We succeeded in fine style: the NPS was 39 in January 2023 and reached a total of 46 for all the year’s measurements. At individual locations, we achieved outstanding results — for example, the NPS while living in a Joo Kodit home was 77 in Kangasala and 57 in Espoo. As our housing stock grew at the same time, we can be very proud of this achievement.

Residents were particularly pleased with the effortless process of renting an apartment and our quick and friendly service. The statement ”The service was friendly and professional” received a rating of 4.6/5 from those who had lived in their Joo Kodit home for more than half a year. Our mission is to offer carefree rental living. 9 out of 10 residents who ended their tenancy with us felt that we had succeeded in this.

Compared to the end of 2022, we managed to improve the NPS score across all measurement points in 2023.

New metrics for measuring our residents’ experience

In September 2022, we renewed our approach to measuring customer experience, as we were keen to deepen our understanding of residents’ needs. Continuous improvement is a core value for us, and putting this value into action requires proper insights into what our residents really want. Previously, we only measured customer satisfaction during the tenancy.

Our customers now assess their experience at six distinct measurement points. Carefree living is more than just satisfaction during the tenancy; searching for a home, signing a tenancy agreement, moving in, and picking up the keys should all be smooth and straightforward. On top of this, we’re interested in the impression we leave on those who choose not to move to a Joo Kodit home after all, and those who move out of our apartments.

The data from our customer surveys is available to us in near real-time, ready for us to analyse and utilise. We monitor these results on a daily basis. Each month, I compile a summary of the survey findings for our entire staff. Additionally, our property managers conduct monthly reviews of the results for the properties they look after.

This blog post was originally published in Joo Group's annual review 2023. Read the annual review here.